Why is there a play area in an Insurance Office? There is a dedicated play area in our reception area specifically designed for young children to play while their parents or guardians visit. A train table, books and age appropriate fire safety coloring books. Soft cushioned flooring, high visibility, and interactive trains to provide a distraction for young children help create a more welcoming environment for families.
At Middle Creek Insurance, we know that busy parents don’t enjoy dragging around young kids while running errands – and we also know that insurance decisions are an important piece to family finances and security. Considering the needs of all our visitors, young and old, benefits everyone.
Stop by our office (Tuesday – Friday; 9am to 5pm) and let’s talk about your family’s insurance portfolio! Have a cup of coffee and let’s chat. Prefer a Saturday or Monday appointment? We do have office appointments on Saturdays or Mondays – Give us at call at 919-524-2149 or contact@MiddleCreekIns.com .