Your driving record typically has a big impact on your auto insurance rate. The more negative your driving record, the higher your premium tends to be. With a DUI or DWI on your record, you should expect to see a spike in your auto insurance premiums. Some insurance companies may even refuse to insure you, but at Middle Creek Insurance, we don’t punish you nearly as hard.
Why Do Insurance Rates Typically Increase After a DUI?
Because impaired driving is a risky behavior, insurance companies will often conclude that those with a DUI or DWI are at “high risk” of getting into an accident that requires some sort of payout. This is why many insurance companies will raise their rates on your premium.
Is There Still Hope?
Yes! At Middle Creek Insurance, we believe that drivers who are in the process of completing Safe Driving and Substance Abuse Therapy programs are learning to be safer drivers and deserve a second chance. That’s why we offer affordable auto coverage for first time DUI offenders.
What are the Total Costs of a DUI?
DUIs can get expensive very quickly. Although the exact price of a DUI/DWI will vary by state and situation, the average estimated cost of a first-time DUI is about $10,000. This number includes the following financial costs:
- Bail
- Court Costs
- Probation & Legal Fees
- DUI Education Programs
- Drug and Alcohol Counseling
- License Reinstatement Fees
- Towing or Impounding Costs
- Increased Auto Insurance Rates
- Loss-of-work Income
Because these penalties are so steep, Middle Creek Insurance really wants to help our drivers find alternatives to driving under the influence.
- Ask a friend or family member to be your Designated Driver (DD).
- Call a rideshare service anytime you drink.
- Share a taxi with a friend to get home from a party. Or consider a taxi to a nearby hotel.
- If you cannot find a sober ride home from a party, ask your host if you can stay the night.
Remember, any amount that you pay to get home will be small in comparison to the penalties you would have to pay if you were caught drinking and driving. It’s worth the investment.
What if I Get Another DUI?
Penalties for a second DUI or DWI are much more severe than your first offense, especially if another person is injured as a result. Second DUI or DWI convictions usually result in the following:
- Mandatory Jail Time
- Suspension of Your License
- Paying a Fine
- Completing a Substance Abuse Education Program
- Installing and maintaining an Interlock Breath-Test Device in Your Automobile, which will prevent you from starting your vehicle if your blood alcohol content (BAC) level exceeds .08 percent.
In North Carolina, Auto Liability insurance is available after a second DUI. Call us at 919-524-2149 to speak with an experience agent to review your insurance portfolio.