If you are like me, you probably know someone who has moved since the last election and is not registered to vote at their current address. Maybe it’s even you?
Election Day is only 61 days away and mail-in ballots begin being mailed on Friday, so there’s never been a better time to run down this quick checklist to make sure you are a prepared and informed voter this year:
Make sure you are registered to vote at your current address. You can check your registration here. If you find that you’re not registered or not registered at your current address, please get this done before the deadline of October 11, 2024.
If you need to get registered or update your registration, it’s super easy if you are already a N.C. DMV customer! They have your signature on file, so you can register or update your registration online at this link (NC DMV change of address).
You can also register to vote by downloading the form or picking one up at a library or your county’s board of elections office and mailing it in. Just make sure it’s hand-delivered to your county office or postmarked by October 11, 2024.
Make sure you have a valid photo ID. For many voters who did not vote in 2023, this will be the first time they’ve been required to show a photo ID to vote. The rules about what qualifies as a valid photo ID are not super complicated. If you are unsure whether your ID will qualify, see this video or go to this site for more information from the NC State Board of Elections. Your ID must include your name which is “the same or substantially similar” to the name on your voter file and a photo to which you bear “a reasonable resemblance.” (It is okay if the address on your ID does not match the address where you live now.) Only some student and employee IDs are approved for voting – check the list here. Some expired or out of state IDs are allowed, but only under certain exceptions – more details here.
You can update your driver’s license online in most cases or go to a DMV office in person. Do it NOW, so your new license will arrive in time for voting because there has been a backlog of several weeks. Some counties have self-serve DMV kiosks to help you avoid the lines. If you need a free ID for voting, you can get one at your county board of elections office or from the DMV.
If you cannot provide a valid ID at the polls, you will need to complete an ID exception form stating your impediment/reason. It’s best to not have to go that route, since those ballots are provisional and are subject to challenges.
Get an absentee ballot and vote by mail if you or a relative won’t be in town to vote in person during early voting (October 17 – November 2) or on Election Day (November 5). You can request a mail-in ballot for yourself or a “near relative” at this link. These applications must be in writing and received by October 29, 2024. (The completed ballot must include a copy of the voter’s photo ID and be received by November 5, 2024). Think about the college students, military service people, and other travelers you know and urge them to get their absentee ballot ASAP.
Look up your sample ballot and educate yourself about all the candidates. There are a lot of races this year – don’t be caught unprepared. You want to make an informed vote in every race, all the way to the end of the ballot.
Share this information with other North Carolinians. It is more important than ever to be prepared. The Legislature has enacted barriers to make it harder to vote without an establishment of residency. Don’t let them stop you because of a technicality! By spending a few minutes preparing now, you will be ready to help build a better North Carolina. If you are not sure what the new rules are – please review the North Carolina State Board of Elections Website – there is a lot of information that was made to help voters figure out what to do – even if they don’t have a traditional situation.
If you have lived in North Carolina for over 60 days, you are supposed to have changed your registration, insurance and driver’s license to North Carolina. Need to get your North Carolina drivers license? You will need North Carolina insurance coverage. Give Middle Creek Insurance a call at 919-524-2149 or start your auto quote online.