Why did I get a letter from the North Carolina DMV asking for an “FS-1” form?
The most common reason?
You changed vehicle insurance carriers. When a company writes an auto insurance policy for you, the company sends electronic notification to the NC DMV that there is a new policy. If your previous carrier’s coverage hasn’t expired or cancelled yet, once that policy does expire – you will get a letter asking for the new policy information. This can easily be solved by asking your agent for an FS-1 form.
Are FS-1 forms only for personal autos –
-FS-1 forms can be required for personal or commercial vehicles. Including an entire fleet. Cars, trucks, motorcycles and trailers can be required to submit proof of insurance.
Is there a “grace-period” for a lapse in insurance coverage in North Carolina?
No. Fifty dollars is the fine for a first offence.
Where is the letter sent?
To the last address on the vehicle’s registration.
What if I ignore the letter?
You will receive a second letter notification of tag revocation. You could be stopped by the police and ticketed. Your vehicle’s registration renewal form will not automatically come in the mail.
Other possible reasons why you would get a letter from NC DMV asking for an FS-1 form –
-Your automobile policy cancelled for nonpayment or expired. Directions for paying your fine and showing proof of new coverage are in the first letter. – Your tag was lost or stolen and you replaced the tag.
-The vehicle was totaled, wrecked or sold with plate still on the vehicle.-You moved to another state and forgot to mail back the plate to the NC DMV.
What if your policy expired or lapsed?
Middle Creek Insurance offers personal and commercial auto policies. Call us at 919-524-2149.
What does the FS-1 letter from DMV look like? Samples of the first letter and the second letter (with plate revocation) are below.